Cookies policy

1. What cookies are?

Proinsermant S.L. is responsible for the website and uses cookies and some other functionality files (from now on “cookies”).

A cookie is a small data file that is downloaded onto your computer, mobile phone, or other devices when you visit a website to get data related to your internet browsing or a code that lets us track the user.


Website uses session cookies and/or persistent cookies that may be own cookies or third-party cookies.

Session cookies are designed to gather and store data only while the user is visiting the Website. Normally, they are used to store data that has an interest in retain for providing the requested service.

Persistent cookies are a kind of cookies that are stored on a user’s device and have an expiration date issued by the webserver. They can last from one minute o many years.

Own cookies: These are cookies that are created and managed exclusively by ourselves: Proinsermant S.L The website, uses own cookies with these purposes:

  • Technical cookies: let users using different options or services that exist on the website, such as, traffic and data communication control, identify the sessions, access to limited areas, use safety elements during browsing, and store data.
  • Personalization cookies: allow users to access web services with certain predefined elements, established through a series of criteria on the user’s device, these may include playing media.

Third-party cookies: are those installed by a domain other than our website < PROINSERMANT S.L.

List of cookies, managed by third-party companies and their purposes:

PURPOSEThird-partyMore information
Analysis: analytical cookies are used to construct user profiles for the visitors of said pages and know the user preferences to improve services and product range.GoogleClick here


Users can get more information about transfers to third-party countries, which in their case, third-party companies do. They are identified in this cookie policy in its related policies (see links provided in the section “more information”).


Many browsers allow the management, at any time, user’s preference about cookies use. Users can adjust their browsers for disabling or deleting some cookies following their criteria.

For cookies configuration, users may access to:

Users may withdraw their consent regarding this Cookie Policy at the browser through the steps listed above or through a rejection system installation (“opt-out”) at their browsers.

In the Google Analytics Cookies case, the opt-out can be made through this link.

Users have to take into account that some content features at the website may only be available when cookies are allowed. If you prefer to disable or block some cookies (depending on their purpose) may affect the website browsing experience or not letting access to some areas.

4. Upgrading and changes in the cookies policy

Proinsermant, S.L may update the Cookie Policy of our Website according to new laws, orders, or to adapt this policy to Agencia Española de Protección de Datos instructions.

For further information about the cookies policy, send us an email at